Directories: White's 1857

Updated: Friday, June 24, 2011   |   Belper Historical & Genealogical Website

This is the Belper entry from the 1857 edition of White's Directory of Derbyshire. This page also contains the small entry about Belper from the 'History of Derbyshire' by David Peter Davies (Makeney - April 10th, 1811)

BELPER, an improving market town and chapelry, in the parish of Duffield, is pleasantly situated on the eastern bank of the river Derwent, over which it is crossed at the N.W. by a handsome stone bridge of three arches; distant 7 miles N. from Derby, and 8 miles S.W. from Alfreton. It contains 2700 acres of land, mostly a red sandy soil, rateable value £17,312, and in 1851 had 1987 inhabited houses, 75 uninhabited, and 6 building; 10,082 inhabitants, of whom 4890 were males, and 5192 females. Of this num­ber 205 were in the Union Workhouse. It is an irregularly built town, with several streets well paved, and lighted with gas, and amply supplied with water; the principal of which are Bridge street and King street, containing some excellent shops and private residences.

Sir Richard Paul Jodrell, Bart.; is Lord of the manor and owner, the other principal owners are John Strutt, Esq., Geo. Hy. Strutt, Esq., Chas. Robt. Colville, Esq., M.P., Rev. Jno. Bannister, Messrs. Thos. and Jas. Harrison, John Harrison, Esq., and Moore's trustees.  The Church, in Church street, dedicated to St. Peter, is a handsome stone edifice, in the decorated style of English architecture, and contains nave, chancel, north and south galleries, with a lofty tower, surmounted with pinnacles. The east window is partly filled with stained glass. It contains 1804 sittings, of which 1,204 are free; and was erected in 1824, at a cost of £1,200, raised by subscriptions and Parliamentary grant. The living is a per­petual curacy, valued in the King's book at £3, now £158, it has been endowed with £800 Queen Anne's bounty, £300 benefactions, and £2,300 Parliamentary grants. The vicar of Duffield is patron, and the Rev. Robert Hey, M.A., incumbent. The original chapel, built by John of Gaunt, is now used as a Sunday school. The burial ground attached is still used, in which are some very old yew trees. A short time ago, on opening a grave, some ancient coins were turned up, of the reigns of the Edward's and Elizabeth. It is supposed that they were interred with the bodies of those who had died of the plague, and buried with their clothes on.

Christ Church, Bridge Hill, was erected in 1850, at a cost of about £3000, raised by grants to the amount of £1065, from the different church building societies, and the rest by an appeal made to the county at large, by the incumbent. It is a plain structure, in the early English style, with turret, and three bells, an organ, purchased from Kirkstall Church, near Leeds; and a handsome font. It contains sittings for 600 persons, 452 of which are free and unappropriated. The Living is a perpetual curacy, in the alternate patronage of the Crown, and Bishop of Lichfield, value £150. The Rev. John Bannister, M.A., the first and present incumbent, through whose exertions the Church was built, and who is about erecting a Parsonage house adjoining it. Until 1845, the town made but one ecclesi­astical district; in that year, the part to the west of the Midland Railway, was by an Order in Council, formed into a separate district, and became a new parish, for all ecclesiastical purposes.

The Wesleyan Chapel, Chapel street, is a handsome stone building, erected in 1807, and will seat 1,400 persons. In 1841, a large school-room was erected behind the chapel, at which 100 children attend, and on Sunday, 200. In 1844, an organ was placed in the gallery behind the pulpit, and two large burial grounds are attached, with a house for the minister. The whole cost has been about £5,500.

Wesleyan Chapel, Pottery, a plain stone building, erected in 1816, will seat 500 persons.

Wesleyan Reform Chapel, Market-street Lane, now in course of erection, at a cost of about £1000, is intended to seat about 700 persons.

The Primitve Methodist Chapel, at Field Head, is a neat stone building, built in 1822, on the site of a smaller chapel, erected in 1817. It cost about £1000, and will seat about 700 persons.

The New Connexion Methodists, had a neat brick chapel, in Short Row, which was destroyed by fire, in 1843. The fire happened in the night, and was supposed to be the work of an incendiary. A suit in chancery was the consequence. It was rebuilt in 1849, but is not now used.

The Independent Chapel, is pleasantly situated in Market-street Lane. It is a large stone building, with galleries all round, and will seat about 600 persons, erected in 1799. The Rev. J. Whewell is the pastor.

The General Baptist Chapel, Bridge street, a neat stone building, erected in 1820, at a cost of £800, will seat upwards of 400 persons.

The Unitarian Chapel, Field Row, erected by the late Messrs. Stubbs, in 1788, and still supported by the family. The Rev. R. L. Lloyd, is the pastor. They have also a neat stuccoed building, in Market-street Lane, which is used for a Sunday school; it was built in 1721, and enlarged in 1855.

National Schools, (St. Peter's,) the Butts, erected in 1849, at a cost of about £1000, raised by subscriptions, and grants from the National Society of £536. It is a neat Gothic building, and consists of one large room, 80 ft. by 70 ft., divided in the centre by a wooden partition, and will accommodate about 400 children, the average attendance is about 150 boys, and 130 girls.

Lancasterian Schools, erected by the Messrs. Strutts, near their factory, where about 600 children, including infants, are educated, who pay ld. and 2d. per week. There are spacious play-grounds attached.

Infant School, High street, in a convenient room to hold 100 children, established 22 years since, supported by subscription and the payments of the children. Average attendance, 55.

Congregational School, Cow Hill, a good stone building, erected in 1844, for a Sunday school and occasional preaching. In connexion with which, a British School was opened, Oct. 14th, 1849. Average attendance, 50.

Literary Institution, Library, and News Room, established in 1854, is held in the National School room, Butts. There are about 200 volumes in the library, and the news­room is well supplied with the London and Provincial newspapers, periodicals, &c. Rev. Robert Hey, M.A., president; Mr. Jno. Morley, librarian.

The Town's News Room, at Mr. Pegg's, Market place, was established in 1852, and consists of 20 members, who pay £1 1s. 0d. annually. It is open from 8 o'clock in the morning, until ten in the evening. Half-members or subscribers are admitted from 4 o'clock in the afternoon, until 10 in the evening, on payment of 10s. 6d. annually.

The Savings' Bank, was established in 1818, at the Old Chapel, but since, removed to a more suitable building, in Bridge street, and on 24th November, 1855, there were 1,056 depositors, having deposits amounting to £40,000, besides 9 charitable societies with about £305, and 39 friendly societies with upwards of £2000. Mr. John Hunter is the actuary. The bank is open every Saturday, from 1.30 to 3 o'clock.

There are a great many Friendly and Odd Fellows' societies in the town, which have tended much to keep down the poor's rate.

Gas Works, Derby road, adjoining the Railway station, were erected in 1848, by a Company with a capital of £3,500, in 350 shares, of £10 each. The works contain a gasometer capable of holding 17,000 cubic feet of gas, and 12 retorts, but it is intended to have them enlarged, they being found too small for the requirements of the town, previous to the erection of which the town was lighted from the works of Messrs. Strutt.

Baths, Nottingham road, were established in 1848, by Mr. J. C. Topham, and consist of slipper, shower, and swimming baths, neatly fitted up with every requisite, and which during the season are most liberally and deservedly supported. Mr. Thomas Seavern, is the proprietor.

Lockup, on the Matlock road, erected in 1848, is a substantial stone building and contains four cells. Mr. Adam Ryde, keeper; and Mr. John Hawkins, superintendent constable.

Town's Office, Church street, for the receipt and payment of rates, meetings of the overseers, and the general business of the township. Mr. Joseph Taylor, assistant overseer.

Inland Revenue Office, is at the Lion Hotel, Bridge street.

Petty Sessions are held every Wednesday at the Office, Bridge street. The attending magistrates are Francis Hurt, Thomas Peach, A. R. Strutt, G. H. Strutt, and T. W. Evans, Esqrs. Mr. George Pym is their clerk.

The Market Place is small and inconveniently arranged, but the market which is held on Saturday, is well supplied with meat, fruit, vegetables, butter, eggs, and poultry, &c. Fairs are held May 12th, and Oct. 31st, and a hiring for servants, Nov. 1st. The Feast, first Sunday after St. Peter.

The ancient name of the town was Beaupoire, or Belle Piere, signifying Fair stone from the whiteness of the stone in its quarries. Edmund Crouchback, Earl of Lancaster, who died in 1296, had the manor of Belper, previous to which there is no mention of a manor, and it is supposed that it originated in his enclosing a park and building a hunting seat, to which, from its beautiful situation, he gave the name of Beau Repaire-afterwards corrupted to Belper. It has been handed down from time immemorial, that John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and son of Edward III. once resided here, but no confirmation of the fact has been acquired. A few fragments of old walls, of great thickness, have been discovered in the coppice near a dwelling called the Manor House, which has long been down, but which show it to have been a large establishment, with an extensive park, and said to have been a favourite sporting establishment of its founder, John of Gaunt. A farm house has been built on part of the site. An antique stone from this house is placed in the gable of Mr. Jessop's house, Belper lane.

The ancient bridge over the river Derwent, on which, from the arms placed in the centre, was thought to have been built by John of Gaunt, was destroyed by a great flood in 1795, and succeeded by the present handsome stone bridge of three arches.

Bridge Hill House, a large handsome stone mansion, delightfully situated on a com­manding eminence in park like grounds, is the property of the Messrs. Strutt, and the seat of John Strutt, Esq. It was erected by the late G. B. Strutt, Esq., in 1794.

TRADE.-The original staple manufacture of Belper, is nails. The horse nails made here are much in demand, arising from the peculiar quality of the iron and coal in the neighbourhood. About 500 persons are employed in making common nails, and 300 in making horse nails. In 1777, cotson spinning was introduced by Messrs. Strutts, whose successors have an extensive establishment in Bridge street, for cotton spinning, with establishments for bleaching, dyeing, founderies, and machine making, all done on their own premises. They also have a large establishment at Milford, 1½ miles lower down the river. The whole fitted up with the newest and most approved machinery. The manufacture of cotton and silk hosiery and gloves was introduced here about 60 years ago by the firm of Ward, Brettle and Ward, which is now continued by two firms,-George Brettle and Co., of 119, Wood street, Cheapside, London; and Ward, Sturt and Sharp, 89, Wood street, Cheapside, London. The machinery employed by these firms is scattered over the country for 20 miles round, but is chiefly within 10 miles of Belper. The employment of labour in hosiery fluctuates a good deal, and the total number of persons, men, women, and children employed, may vary from 4,000 to 5,000. The number of framework knitters in Belper and its immediate neighbourhood, is about 400.

The Midland Railway passes through the centre of the town and has a neat stone station with waiting rooms and convenient offices on the Derby road; and the numerous bridges caused by the railway have given the town a very striking appearance.

The Cromford Canal is about 2 miles north of the town, and the High Peak railway about 6 miles distant.

The New Small Debts Act, or County Courts-This important act, which superseded the Court of Requests, came into operation on the 15th March, 1847.

Belper County Court is held at the New Inn, Market Place, monthly, and the district comprises the following places, viz.-Belper, Denby, Duffield, Hazlewood, Heage, Heanor, Hillcliff Lane, Holbrook, Horsley, Horsley Woodhouse, Ilkestone, Kilbourne, Little Hallam, Loscoe, Makeney, Mapperley, Milford, Morley, Shipley, Shottle & Postern, Smalley, Turnditch, Windley.

Judge, J. T. Cantrell, Esq.
Clerk, Mr. M. W. Ingle, Church street; office open from 10 till 4 o'clock.
High Bailiff; Mr. Thomas Jennison.

Belper Poor Law Union consists of 35 parishes and townships, and has 53 guardians, who meet every Saturday, at 1 30 p.m., in the Board room. The Union is divided into 6 registration districts, viz.-Alfreton, Belper, Wirksworth, Duffield, Horsley, and Ripley. The Workhouse is a large stone building, in the Elizabethan style, east of the Derwent, on the Derby road, and near the railway Station; erected at a cost of £12,000, and is capable of accommodating 340 persons, but the average number is 220. The Union includes an area of 66,590 acres, with a population in 1851, of 46,872, which in 1841 was 46,188. The total expenditure for the year ending March, 1856, was £1,449, (not including out door relief.) The average weekly cost of the indoor paupers for the last year, was, (including rations of officers) 2s. 6d., each, and for clothes, 3½d.

The places are Alderwasley, Alfreton, Allestree, Ashley-hay, Belper, Crich, Denby, Dethick, Lea, Holloway, Duffield, Hazlewood, Heage, Holbrook, Horsley, Horsley-Wood­house, Idridgehay, Ireton Wood, Kedleston, Kilbourne, Kirk Langley, Meynell Langley, Mackworth, Markheaton, Mapperley, Morley, Mugginton, Pentrich, Quarndon, Ravensdale Park, Ripley, Shottle and Postern, Smalley, South Wingfield, Turnditch, Weston, Under­wood, Windley, and Wirksworth.

Chairman to Board of Guardians, John Strutt, Esq.
Chaplain, Rev. Robert Leigh, B.A.
Clerk to Board of Guardians and Superintendent Registrar, Mr. George Pym.
Master and Matron of the Workhouse, Robert and Mary Wheatland.
Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Mr. Wm. Cantrell.
Surgeon, Richard Rowland Allen, Belper.
Relieving Officers, John Weston, Horsley Woodhouse, and John Bacon, Crich Carr.


John Lockoe, of Holbrooke, in 1676, conveyed to trustees and their heirs, an estate of 10 acres, at Kilborne, for the uses following-viz., 40s. to be distributed yearly to the poor of Belper, 10s. yearly to Kilborne, 20s. yearly to Horsley Woodhouse, and 20s. yearly to the poor of Horsley, to be paid out of the rents of the said cottage and premises. In 1809, the property, 12 acres, was let for 21 years at the yearly rent of £15. Belper re­ceives four-ninths, £6 13s. 4d., which is distributed on Christmas-eve.

Henry Smith, of Whitemoor, in 1705, gave all his lands, called Cawoods, lying in Belper, on trust, to pay yearly the sum of £4 to the poor of Belper, also £4 to the curate or officiating minister. The premises consist of a farm house and 17½ acres of land, be­tween two and three acres, an allotment from Belper common, which is let for £6 per annum, and the house and residue for £24 per annum. One moiety is paid to the perpetual curate, and the other distributed to the poor on Christmas-eve.

John Taylor, in 1746, left one acre of land, lying on the upper side of the Round Meadow, in the Milly Laund, in Belper, the rent to be distributed to the poor. 19s. 2d. is received from the Messrs. Strutt, who have owned the land since 1810, when it was pur­chased, subject to that payment.

Matthew Smith, by will in 1713, reciting that he had built two alms houses in Belper for two poor people, and devised four closes lying in the Hoppings, containing 13 acres, and one pingle near the Cow-hill, of half-an-acre, which were of the value of £8 per annum, and directed the rents thereof to be employed towards the relief of two poor people. The two alms houses have small gardens adjoining, and the lands, which contain 14A. 0R. 28P. are now (1826), let for £21 per annum. The alms houses which were very dilapidated, were rebuilt by Mr. Gregory, the acting trustee, in 1829, at the cost of about £130, towards which there was a balance in his hands of £84 5s. 6d.

James Sims gave, by his will two alms houses and coals. The income, in 1786, was 12s. per annum. Two houses, supposed to be these, fell into decay, and were claimed by the parish, who rebuilt the houses out of the poor-rates, and the tenants pay rent. It is said the coal-money was payable from land in Belper, now not known

John Taylor, in 1714, left £40, the interest to be distributed to the poor. This gift is mentioned in the returns of 1786, as being withheld, and we have not been able to get any information relating to it.

Rev. Francis Gisborne's Charity,-( see Bradley) -The annual sum of £5 10s. re­ceived by the minister, is laid out in coarse cloth and flannel, and given to the poor.

Post Office, King street; Mr. Matthew Ellis Sowray, post master.

  1. Letters arrive from the North at 12.6 midnight, and 4.55 A.M., and are despatched at 1.10 A.M., 10.30 A.M., and 1.30 P.M.
  2. Letters from the South arrive at 1.10 A.M. and 1.30 P.M., and are despatched at 4.55 A.M. and 9.45 P.M.
  3. Letters from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cumberland, Westmoreland, Cheshire, Lancashire, Shropshire, and America, arrive at 5.30 A.M., and are despatched at 8.15 P.M.
  4. Money Orders are granted and paid from 9.0 A.M. to 6.0 P.M.


Adshead William Peter, coml.
travlr., Nottingham road
Bacon John, farrier, Cluster
Baldwin Stanley, overlooker,
King street
Bamford Jno., clk., Bridge st
Bowman Mr. Thos., Bridge st
Brandon Wm., station mas-
ter, Derby road
Cantrell Wm., regr. of births,
deaths & mars., for Belper
district, Bridge st
Cartwright Henry, smallware
dealer, King st
Cooper Peter, basket maker,
Belper lane
Davenport Emanuel Charles,
bank manager, King st . 
Dixon John, umbrella maker,
King st
Eley John, clerk, Swinney ln
Evans David, gent., Market
Street end
Elmes Henry & Charles, gen-
tlemen, Derwent house,
Derby road
Goodwin Jas. Hollingworth,
scholmstr., Nottingham rd
Green Francis, stone quarry
manager, High st
Gregory Davd., clk., Bridge ft
Hanson Isaac, jun., assistant
hosier, Derby road
Harrison Jas, gent. Lawn hill
Harrison Sml. cashr. Belper ln
Harrison Thomas, senr., nail
maker; h. Lawn hill
Hawkins John, supt. constab.
Matlock road
Hawkins Wm. Fisher, corn,
seed, & hop mcht., King st
Hey Rev. Robt., M.A., incum-
bent, parsonage, Church st
Hopkins George Henry, auc-
tioneer, Derby road
Hunter Jno. actuary, Savings
bank, Bridge st
Jackson Wm. clk., Bridge foot
Jennison Thos., high bailiff to
County court, and secty. to
Gas Co., Church st
Jessop William, file maker,           
Bridge foot
Johnson Elizabeth, school-
mistress, Nottingham road
Johnson John, timber dealer,
Chapel st
Lees John, chimney sweep,
Chapel hollow
Leigh Rev. Robt., incumbent
of Milford, Chapel st
Locker Thos., clerk, Derby rd
Longden Mrs. My., Gibfield ln
Lloyd Rev. R. L., (Unitarian)
King st
Loveitt Mr. J. M., Bridge st
Maccallum Thos.Wm., mana         
ger, King st
Martin John, mill overlooker,
Bridge foot
Marriott Jph., carr., Bridge st
Melbourne Mr. S., Gibfield ln
Mellor John, general dealer,
Nottingham road
Milward Mr. Gervase, Brook-
Moxon Mrs. Elizh., New rd
Pepper Wm., sweep, Mill ln
Pratt Sandford, cashier at
Ward, Srutt, and Sharp's,
Brook cottage, New road
Pring Mrs. Ann, Cheapside
Pring Fredk. Saml., colliery
manager, Common
Pym George, clerk to magis-
trates, to the Union, supt.
regtr., & high constable for
Appletree hund., Bridge st
Pym Mrs. Mary, Kiln lane
Riley Samuel, mill superint.,
Bridge foot
Royce Mrs. Mary, Chapel st
Ryde Adam, lock-up keeper,
Matlock road
Ryde Mrs. Hannah, Belper ln
Seavern John, bath proprietor,
near Nottingham road
Shenton George, coal agent,
Belper coal wharf, White-
Shorthouse John, manager of        
Gas works, Derby road
Silvester James Heal & Sons,
  framework knitters, Field  head
Simon Rev. John, (Wesleyan)
Chapel st
Smith Rev. Geo., (Wesleyan)
Nottingham road
Spencer Mrs. Ann, Prospect
cottage, Derby road
Spencer Geo., dyer, Cheapside
Sowray Matthew Ellis, post
master, King st
Stretton James, brick maker,
Derby road
Strutt John, Esq., Bridge
  Hill house
Stone Septimus, clk., New st
Symons Mrs. Lucy, Cheapside
Taylor Jph., assist, overseer
& constable, Church st
Taylor Mr. Tom Thos., New st
Topham Geo.,cooper, King st
Turner Ebenezer Walker,
mangr. of the silk dept. at
Brettles & Co.'s; h. Maxwell terr., New road
Turton John, leech dealer,
Long row
Walker Jermh., ale and porter dealer, High st
Ward Mrs. Sarah, Bridge st
Watson Mrs. Mary Francis,
Market st. lane
Webster John, manager of the
cotton dept. at Brettles and
Co.'s; h. King st
Webster Wm. gent., Bridge st
Whewell Rev. John, (Indept.)
New st
Wheatland Robt. and Mary,
master and matron, Union
workhouse, Derby road
Whysall Abraham, maltster &
hop merchant, Common
Williamson Hy., overlooker,
Market street lane
Wolstenholme, Mrs. Ann,
Market street lane
Wright George, iron dealer,
Church street
Wright Mrs. Ann, Field lane
Young Thomas., chair maker,
Chapel st

Those mkd. * take Boarders.
* Appelbee Robt., Chapel st
British, Cow hill, Sa. Fenton
Brownson Eliza, New st
Infant, High street, Eliza-
beth Sanders
Lancasterian, Long row, 
James Barlow and Francis
Bowler, and Elizh. Beard-
Lómas Elizabeth, Cheapside
National, Nottingham road,
J. H. Goodwin, and E.
Simmons Anna, Bridge st
* Stratford Elizh., Bridge st
* Ward Sarah, Bridge st
Wesleyan, Thomas Clark,
Chappel st

Greaves Edw. L., New road
Ingle Wm. Machin, (& clerk
to County court), Church st
Swettenham James Oldham,
  Gibfield house
Walker Jph. Bland, Cheapside

Bakers and Flour Dlrs.
Marked * are Confectioners.
* Brentnall William, King st
Brooks Jane, Bridge st
Camm Thos., Nottingham rd
* Coates James, New road
* Coates Thomas, Market pl
* Day George, High st
Eley John, Chapel st
* Harrison Saml., Bridge st
* Herrod Thomas, Bridge st
Jaques Thomas, Butts
* Longden Richard, Bridge st
Malin Samuel, Market place
Neaum William, Bridge st
Reader John, Nottingham
Taylor John, (flour dlr, only)
Market place
Walters George, Field head
Webster Mattw., High st

Derby & Derbyshire Bank-
  ing Co., King street, (draw
on Williams, Deacon & Co.)
E. C. Davenport, manager
Savings' Bank, Bridge street,
(open every Sat, from 1.30,
till 3.0 P.M.) John Hunter,
Penny Savings' Bank, Bridge
street, (open every Saturday
evening, from 6 to 7), J.  
Hunter, manager
Akers Geo., Nottingham Rd        
Bodill Joseph, (general smith)
Bridge st
Sims William, Field lane
Booksellers, Printers,
and Stationers.
Kiddy John, (and music, and
cutlery warehos.) Bridge St.    
Mee Matilda, (& stamp office)
High st
Moss John, Queen st
Pegg Joseph, Market place
Rosewarne Henry, Bridge st
Boot and Shoemakers.
Blount Henry, Belper lane
Booth Jas., Nottingham road
Bridges Benj., Short row
Clay Barton, Field row
Clay James Barton, High
Coates Samuel, Market place
Cope William, Short row
Croisdill John, Butts
Garrett Mary, Matlock road
Gell John, Church st
Haywood Abrhm., Long row
Jowett Geo., Nottingham rd
King Job, Bridge st
Nall John, Field lane
Palmer Abigail, King st
Parkinson John, Bridge st
Redfern Samuel, King st
Seavern John, (and bath pro-
prietor,) near Nottingham
Sims John, Queen st
Slack James, Gibfield lane
Spencer John, Nottingham rd
Stear John, King st
Swift Thomas, Bridge st
Webster, Jph., Nottingham rd
Winson, Humphry., Bridge st
Watson Enoch, Belper ln end

Braziers and Tinners.
(See Ironmongers.)

Burton Brewery Co Stores,             
Bridge street; Edwin Noon,
Copley Thomas, King st
(See also Joiners and Stone
Holmes Samuel, Bridge st
Pritchard John, Lawn
Robinson Edw., New road
Smith John, Chapel st
Wigley Thomas, New road
Mrkd. * are Pork Butchers.
* Ash John, Queen st
Beresford George, Bridge st
* Brown Thos., High pavemt.
Gamble Thomas, Belper lane
Garratt Samuel, Market place
Gregory Henry, Market pl
Gregory Thos. Nottingham rd
Hall Jabez, Cow hill
Hall William, Cow hill
Harrison Henry, Bridge st
Jackson Benjamin, Long row
Malin John, Market place
* Mason Benjamin, Bridge st
Parker Alfred, King st
Redfern John; King st
Smith Jacob, Bridge st
Spencer Joseph, Gutter
Walker Joseph, Bridge st
Taylor Samuel, Short rows
Topley William, Bridge st
Watson Jno. & Sml., Market pl

Chemists and Druggists
Bridges Harriet, Bridge st
Brown Charles, Bridge st
Calvert James, King st
Cantrell William, Bridge st
Haslam John, Belper lane
Kiddy Samuel, Market place
Lichfield Elliott Hy. Church st

China, Earthenware and
Glass Dealers.
Dyer John, Market place
Harrison William, King st
Heapey Samuel, Bridge st
Machin Mary, (manufacturer)
Nottingham road

Corn Millers and Dlrs.
Brooks Jane, Broadholme
Haynes Henry, Mill lane
Morrel Daniel, High st
Winson J. & H., Bridge st.,
and Black Brook mills

Cotton Spinners.
Strutt Wm., Geo., and Jph.,
Bridge st
Cow Keepers.
Pounder William, Lawn
Sanders Samuel, Sandbed ln
Sims John, Whitemore
Spencer Sml., Nottingham rd
Walker John, Whitemore
Crate Makers.
Beardmore Sampson

Gaunt Thomas and Samuel,
(and rake, scythe pole, and
bosom makers) Nottingham

Curriers and Leather
Morrell Jethro, Butts
Palmer Charles, King st
Palmer Joseph, Bridge st
Walker James, Market place

Engineers and Millwrights.
Carr Chas. Jno. & Co., Queen st
Bratby Jno. Whitemoor Farm
Bridges John, Mill Lane
Cooper Saml., Belper Dally
Frost Phobe, Belper lane
Gamble William, Belper lane
Gregory Geo., Belper lane end
Hall William, Cow hill
Harrison Thos., sen., Lawn
Harrison Wm., Wiittersley
Haynes Henry, Mill lane
Haynes John, Lawn
Haynes Sarah, Lawn
Haynes William, Lawn
Hallbrook Thomas, Chevin
Jenney Joseph, Belper lane
Kay Mary, Wyver
Kirk Thomas, Bull's moor
Mason William, Broadholme
Morton William, Belper lane
Morrell Joseph, Morley hills
Orton Fras., Sandbed lane
Parker Fletcher, Over lane
Pollard Thomas, (and cattle
dealer) Chevin
Robinson Michael, Bridge st
Rodgers Eliz., Lawn farm
Ryde Joseph, Chevin
Slater Saml., Blackbrook
Smith Daniel, Cow hill
Smith Samuel, Chevin
Watson Mary, Queen st
Wilkinson Jph., Morley hills
Winson John, Model farm,
Cross roads

Fire, Life, &c., Offices.
Accidental Death, Smith and
Eggleston, Bridge st
Birmingham District, (fire)
J. Taylor, Bridge st
British Empire, Henry Rose-
warne, Bridge st
European, J. Taylor, Bridge st
Householders and General,
(life) Thomas Thornley, 
Market place
Imperial, Chs. Palmer, King st
Industrial, (life) J. Kiddy,
Bridge st
Liverpool and London, E.
Noon, Bridge st
Loan Endowment and An-
nuity, Smith & Eggleston,
Bridge st
Norwich, Smith and Eggles-
ton, Bridge st
Norwich Union, John Smith,
Field lane
Nottinghamshire and Derby­-
shire, John South, Chapel st    
Norfolk Cattle Insurance Co.,
John Smith, Field lane
Protector, Smith and Eggles-
ton, Bridge st
Provincial Building Society,
J. Kiddy, High street
Plate Glass, Smith & Eggles-
ton, Bridge st
Sun, Saml. Kiddy, Market pl
Trade Protection, Smith and
Eggleston, Bridge st
Yorkshire, Rt. L. Lowe, King st

Frame Smiths.
Brown Thos., High pavement
Lings Jph., Chappel Hollow

Hooper William, (and nursery-
man, florist, and grower of
grapes, pines, flower plants
and all kinds of forced fruits,
plants, &c.) Green Hill
Gardens, and King st
Jackson John, Nottingham rd
Stayner James, Gibfield lane

Green Grocers.
Cupit Standall, (& fishmonger)
Market place
Spencer John, Market place
Grocers and Tea Dealers.
Aldred Samuel, Market place
Bell Anthony, Market place
Booth Robert, Butts
Brentnall William, King st
Caunt John, Church st
Copley Thomas, King st  
Hardy George, Market place
Harrison Samuel, Bridge st
Harrison Jabez, Cheapside
Kirkland William, Market
Street lane
Lowe Elijah, Nottingham rd
Marsden George, Nottingham
Moore John, King st
Myott John, Bridge st
Neaum William, Bridge st
Parker Eliza, Bridge st
Redfern Francis, Bridge st
Rouse Charles, Bridge st
Smith Joseph, Bridge st
Stevenson John B., Bridge st
Webster John, Queen st
Thornley Thos., Market pl
Watson Gervase, Market pl
Wade Benjamin, Market pl
Whittaker Robert, Bridge st
White John, Bridge st

Hair Dressers.
Ball Henry, Bridge st
Barnes Edwin Queen st
Fisher John, Market place
Foster George, King st
Heapey Samuel, Bridge st
Calow John. King st
Siddons Joseph, Market place
Topham J. C. & Son, High st

See also Drapers.
Bowman Ann, Bridge st
Brown Abraham, King st
Turner Sarah, Market-st. ln
Hosiery Manufacturers.
Brettle George & Co., (silk &
cotton) Chapel st.; and 119,
Wood st., Cheapaide, Lon­-
don, Mr. E. W. Turner,
manager of the silk depart-
ment, and Mr. John Web-
ster manager of the cotton
Brown James, Bridge st
Parker Saml., (silk) King st
Ward, Sturt & Sharpe, (silk
and cotton) Derby road;
and 89, Wood st., London

Hotels, Inns, and Tavs
Angel, Jno. Barker, Market pl
Black Swan, Cox and Malin,
Market place
Cross Keys, Jonthn. Coates,
Market place
George Inn, Cox and Malin,
Bridge st
Horse & Jockey, Saml. Slater,
Corn hill
King's head, Elizabeth Shaw,
Market place
Lion Inn, and Commercial &
Posting Hotel, John Tay­-
lor, (and excise office)
Bridge st

Maltster's Arms, Common side
Nag's Head, Joseph Watson,
High Pavement
New Inn, William Watson
Market place
Old King's Head, John Chad-
win, Brookside
Owl Inn, John Winson, Cross
Rose & Crown, James Stret-
ton, King st
Seven Stars, Jeremiah Shel-
don, Nottingham road
Talbot, Isaac Slater, Bridge ft
Tiger, Mary Sims, King st
White Swan, Henry Greg-
ory, Market place

Aldread Thomas, Whitemoor
Akers Geo., Nottingham road
Berisford Martha, Short rows
Coates James, New road
Hall George, Cow Hill
Harrison Isaac, Fountain Inn,
near the Railway, Derby
Harrison George, Butts
Hunt Hannah, Market place
Jackson Elizabeth, Market pl
Jennison John, Derby road
Jones Wm., Nottingham road
Lashmar Thomas, Field Head
Morton Thomas, Bridge st
Neaum William, Bridge st
Oakley Thomas, Short rows
Parker John, Bridge st
Robinson Michael, Bridge st
Sharp Isaac, King st
Slater James, Belper lane end
Smith Joseph, Bridge st
Smith Thomas, Field Head
Walker Daniel, Mill lane
Walker Joseph, Bridge st
Ward Rebecca, Belper lane
Watson William, Queen st

Iron Founders.
Carr and Bridges, Queen st
Smedley Brothers, (Frederick,
Alfred and James), Eagle
Foundry, Old Derby road

Ironmongers & Braziers.

Bower John, Market place
Elliott David, Field Head
Harrison Thomas, High st
Mee Matilda, High st
Smith George, King st
Sparks William, Bridge st
Street Abraham, Butts
Joiners & Cabinet Mks

Marked * are Builders.
Annable John, Lawn
Dodsworth Thomas, Butts
Dyer John, Market place
Freeman William, Cheapside
Harrison James, Bridge st
* Ryde Anthony and Adam,
Bridge st. & Mount pleasant
Tomlinson William, Cluster
* Watson John, King st
* Watson William, High st
Wheatley Richard.,(and wood
turner) Bridge st
Wigley Hy., Nottingham rd

Linen and Woollen Dps.

Clarke Richd. M., Market pl
Crofts Thomas, Market pl
Eggleaton Wm. H., Bridge st
Harrison Saml., Bridge st
Loverock George, Market pl
Topham John & Son, High st

Milliners and Dress Mks
Bowman Ann, Bridge st
Fletcher Sh., High pavement
Holmes Anne, Market place
Horobin Sarah, King st
Johnson Martha, Kiln lane
Morton Mary, King st
Musson Caroline, Bridge st
Pym Sarah, Bridge st
Robinson Ann, High st
Slater Rebecca, King st
Sparkes Elizabeth, Bridge st
Thorley Maria, Bridge st 
Winson Elizabeth, Bridge st

Nail Makers.
Berresford Ht., Chapel hollow
Bridges James, High st
Bower William, Lawn
Camm, Jno., Nottingham rd
Carr & Bridges,(& iron mfrs)
Queen st
Hall David, Cow hill
Hall George, Cow hill
Hall William, Cow hill
Harrison Abraham, Lawn
Harrison John & Son, Lawn
Harrison William, King st
Harrison William, Lawn
Howarth James, Field head
Jackson Thos., Windmill yd
Mason John, Swinney ln
Melbourn William G., Butts              
Morrell John, High st
Sanders William, Up. Bedlam
Sanders Wm., Nottingham rd
Selvey Samuel, Field head
Smith, William, Church st
Spencer George, Cheapside
Spencer John, Three gates
Spencer William, Notting-
ham road
Taylor Joseph, Cow hill
Toplis William, High st
Troth Charles, Nottingham rd
Tranter William, High st
Walker Joseph G., 9, New st
Walker Samuel, High st
Watson Edw., Nottingham rd
Watson George, Church st
Watson Gervase, Market pl
Watson Jno. & Sml., Church st
Webster John, Queen st
Wigley Geo., Swinney lane
Windley Thos. Nottingham rd
Worthy George, Field head

Needle Makers.
Noon Edwin, Bridge st
Stretton James, King st
Painters& Paper Hangrs.
Cartwright Wm., Bridge st
Midworth Robert (& carver
and gilder, Bridge st
White John, Bridge st
Williams John, King st

Plumbers, Glaziers, and
Hand Thomas, Chapel hollow
Parker Walter, Market place
Shaw Andrew, Church st
Smith John (& gas fitter),
Chapel st
Quarry Owners.
Hunt Hannah, Lawn hill
Robinson Michael, High st
Saint Isaac, Field head

Rag & Bone Dealers.
Hodges Phillip, King st
Spencer Wm., jun., Field head
Taylor John, High st

Rope and Twine Maker.

Kirkland Wm., Market st ln
Saddlers & Harness Mks.
Haynes John, Lawn
Hollingworth Geo., Bridge st
Mellor Henry, King st
Smith William, High st

Berresford Har.,Chapel hollow
Brown Henry, Nottingham rd
Brown Margaret, Field row
Cartledge Joseph, Church st

Cooper Geo. Belper lane end
Hall David, Cow hill
Hall Joseph, Cow hill
Haslam John, Belper lane
Hill John, Swinney lane
Jackson Joseph G., Long rw
Kirkland Wm., Market st lane
Lilley William, Bridge st
Marshall Thomas, New road
Mason Elizabeth, Field head
Mason John, Swinney lane
Mather Chas., Nottingham rd
Melbourne William G. Butt,
Morrell Daniel, High st
Moore Saml., Nottingham rd
Milward Rd., Nottingham rd
Sanders Constantine, Not-
tingham road
Selvey Hannah, Field head
Selvey Samuel, Field head
Simpson Jas., Chapel hollow
Smith Thomas, Short rows
Smith Thomas, Field head
Spencer William, Field head
Spencer Wm., Nottingham rd
Spencer William (& bill post-
er and town crier), Kiln lane
Taylor Joseph, Cow hill
Walker Joseph, The Potteries
Walter George, Field head
Wright Rebecca, Belper lane
Sinker Makers.
Gamble Thomas, Derby road
Keeton James, King st
Ward Isaac, Bridge st

Stone Masons & Builders.
Beresford Benjamin, Chapel st
Beresford George, Bridge st
Beresford Jas., Nottingham rd
Beresford John, Belper lane
Beresford Samuel, Lawn hill
Robinson Edward, New road
Sills George, Nottingham rd

Straw Bonnet Makers.
Bollard Eliza, King st
Booth Hannah, Mill lane
Heapey Hannah, Chapel st
Sparkes Elizabeth, Bridge st
Watson Ann, King st

Allen Richard R., Bridge st
Evans Dvd. Peter, Market st ln
Lomas Thomas and Henry,            
Bridge st
Willis Charles, Cheapside

Tailors and Drapers.
Bridges John, Long row
Brown Abraham, King st
Bullock John, Nottingham rd
Buxton William, Bridge st
Dickinson Henry, Over lane
Getliff Henry, Church st
Kiddy Joseph, Crown court
Mather Matthew, Notting-
ham road
Sheward George, King st 
Sims Samuel, Matlock road
Street Edward, Gibfield lane
Swinscoe Thomas, Chapel st

Tallow Chandlers.
Thornley Thomas, Market pl
Wheatcroft Thomas, Chapel st
Watch and Clock Makers.

Blount John, Butts
Broadhead Edward, Bridge st
Eley Joseph, Bridge st
Hague Samuel, Chapel st
Keates Charles, Market place

Osbiston German, Field lane
Osbiston William (& carriage
builder), Field lane
Sellors Chas., Belper lane end

Railway Conveyance.
Midland Railway Co.'s station,
Derby road; there are 12
passenger trains, and 2 lug­-
gage trains each way, daily,
Wm. Brandon, station mas­-
ter; Omnibus from the Lion
Hotel meets every train to
and from.

Carriers from the Inns.
Alfreton, Rd. Smith, from
Duke of Devonshire, Satur­-
day and Monday
Crich, Jackson, from Duke
of Devonshire, Saturday
Derby, Wm. Watson, Queen
st daily
Ilkeston and Nottingham,
Joseph Marriott, Bridge st,
Wednesday and Saturday
Loscoe, Joseph Eyre, Rose &
Crown, Monday
Matlock, John Smith, Duke
of Devonshire, Mon. & Th.
Matlock, John Holmes, Duke
of Devonshire, Tues& Fri.

Belper Entry from 'History of Derbyshire'
by David Peter Davies
(Makeney - April 10th, 1811)

Formerly written Beaupoire, 'was not noticed in Domesday'. A chapelry in the parish of Duffield and the Deanery of Derby. Chapel - dedicated to St John. 'The Unitarians, the Independents and the Methodists have also their respective meeting houses. Four hundred children are taught at the Sunday School ... the Independents and Methodists also have Sunday schools, where about 700 more are instructed'. 'Its present flourishing state is discernible to all'. In 1801 the population was 4500 and by 1809 was 5365, the increase 'owing to the Cotton Mills erected here by Messrs. Strutts; where between 1200 and 1300 persons find daily employment. These mills are four in number'. 'Another branch of business carried on at Belper ... is the manufacture of nails; but within the last few years it is supposed that the trade has been on the decline'. Before 1776, Belper was as 'low in population as it was backward in civility: and considered as the insignificant residence of a few uncivilized nailers'. A market town - Saturday market. The mansion of Jedediah Strutt Esq is about the town centre and 'above the bridge is the seat of G.B. Strutt Esq.'

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Address:   Belper, Derbyshire, UK